Love God, Love People, & Make Disciples
Join us every Sunday at 9 am for Connect Groups and 10:15 am for our morning service
and Wednesdays at 11am for our midday service and 6:30 pm for our evening service!
Upcoming Events & Sermons
Who We Are
Here at Shiloh we hold high the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the unifying center around which everything else is built and from which all ministry flows. We believe that the starting point for everything, and our main goal, is to see each individual person come to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives.
We believe that each human being is a sinner by birth and by choice, that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We believe that Jesus, in His substitutionary death on the cross, made provision for the redemption of sin. We believe that there is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Join us every Sunday at 9 am for Connect Groups and 10:15 am for our morning service and
Wednesdays at 11am for our midday service and 6:30 pm for our evening service!
Connect Groups
Deepen your walk with Christ and foster a stronger sense of community by becoming a part of a Connect Group!
Join us Sunday
Join us for our Sunday morning service where you can worship with fellow believers and hear a transformative message from Pastor David!
Who we are
Learn more about Shiloh, what we believe in, our core values, and our mission to serve our community and reach the lost.